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Leveraged Breakdowns

Real Estate Private Equity Career Path

Public REIT Valuation Part 12: Consolidation and Why it Matters

Introducing Consolidation Welcome back to the Aimco public REIT valuation series. Here, we’re going to unpack consolidation, which has already reared its head in the figures we pulled for the previous post on GAV. When building public company net asset value (NAV) analyses, it’s important to handle consolidation consistently and back out minority interests as […]

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Public REIT Valuation Part Seven: Net Asset Value

Introduction This is part seven of a series focused on Public REIT valuation. The first six posts were more qualitative in nature, contextualizing the information available in Aimco’s public filings. This seventh post begins a new thread where we focus on building our Excel model. If you’re looking for the best real estate private equity

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Catch-Up Waterfall, Part One: The Prompt

Intro This case study will focus on building a catch-up waterfall. Catch-up waterfalls will be fairly common throughout your real estate private equity career path. The other common waterfall is promote-based, which we build live in the REPE Starter Kit. Private equity analysts and associates must often model waterfalls, so pay close attention. Keeping it

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Live Case Study #1, Part Six: Formatting

Introduction You’ve probably begun to sense a bit of rhyme and reason to my formatting. If it isn’t clear, I’m an absolute nut when it comes to consistent formatting. I am always inventing new tricks on my real estate private equity career path, but I make sure every trick slots into my preferred schema. Models

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Developing Market Knowledge, Part One: Passion

Introduction to this Series on Developing Market Knowledge Leveraged Breakdowns helps you prepare for a real estate private equity career path in every way possible. On the technical side, we teach you how to build an extremely detailed asset-level model via Breaking Down REPE. We show you how to tear through a case study in

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Five Entry Points To A Career In Real Estate Private Equity – Part II: Relevant Skills

Part one of this two-part series focused on the responsibilities of various real estate private equity jobs. In part two the focus will shift to specific real estate private equity skills associated with each of the five entry points. Investment Analyst As the name implies, an analyst must be good with numbers. Further, a quality

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Five Entry Points To A Career In Real Estate Private Equity – Part I: Responsibilities

Trying to map out a real estate private equity career path may seem daunting if you don’t know where to begin. Whether you are fresh out of college or have 15 years’ experience, there are a variety of opportunities awaiting if you know what to look for. Here are five career paths that will help

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Construction Financing For REPE Beginners

Rarely will a real estate project be funded solely with owner/investor cash. This may be wise in certain instances, yet not often. For properties that will generate cash flow, leverage helps to lower the cost of capital and boost investment returns. Beyond vanilla mortgages for stabilized properties, construction financing introduces additional complexities. Banks and credit

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What is it like being a real estate private equity Analyst?

This post answers a series of frequently asked questions regarding the life of an analyst along the real estate private equity career path. Have more questions? Please, visit our forums where any question is encouraged. After all, our goal is to close the information gap keeping you from your dream real estate private equity career.

What is it like being a real estate private equity Analyst? Read More »

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